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For-Rest Retreat India

Breakfast available at extra charges,

Swimming Pool

Room Details Pax Price
Room Footage
Number of Beds


  • Parking
  • WiFi
Number of Adults
Number of Children
per night

1.  Do not use the guest rooms for purposes other than intended without authorization.
2.  Do not light fire in the passage or guest rooms for heating or cooking.
3.  To prevent fire, refrain from smoking on bed, in non-smoking rooms, and in any other places prone to catch fire.
4.  The equipment and articles in guest rooms are strictly meant for the guests staying in the Hotel. Hence, inside the guest rooms, use of such equipment and articles by outsiders is prohibited.
5. Be careful not to move the articles in the Hotel or guest rooms from their fixed places without permission.
6. Do not change the position of the gadgets and fixtures in the Hotel or guest rooms without permission.
7.  Do not bring the following inside the hotel premises:
a.  Animals, birds, etc.
b.  Things giving off foul smell
c.  Articles exceeding the normal amount that can be carried into a hotel
d.   Guns, swords, etc.
e.   Explosives, or articles containing volatile oils that may ignite or catch fire
f.   Any other articles that may pose a threat to the safety of other guests staying in the Hotel
8.  Do not scream, sing loudly, or create loud noises by any other actions inside the Hotel or guest rooms, as it may disturb or annoy other guests staying in the Hotel.
9.  Refrain from engaging into gambling or acts that violate public order and morals inside the Hotel or guest rooms.
10.  Do not distribute advertisement goods or sell articles to the other guests or collect donation or signatures from them inside the Hotel premises, without proper permission.
Note that we may refuse stay to patients suffering from an illness that may cause discomfort of any kind to the other guests inside the Hotel.
Do not leave your personal belongings in the passages or the lobby.
11.  Any acts of photography that may bother the other guests in the Hotel are strictly prohibited inside the Hotel or guest rooms.
12.  Any personal meetings should be held in the space provided for the same only.
13.  In principle, the guest rooms accommodating the same guests continuously for two or more nights shall not be cleaned during their period of stay. Such rooms, however, shall be cleaned once in six days to maintain cleanliness.

14.  Further, if cleaning of one or more of the guest rooms is deemed necessary by the hotel authorities, the guests occupying the room(s) shall not have a right to deny such room cleaning.